- Balance Lugano
Training, lessons, and courses, SportLuganoCHF 100
Training, lessons, and courses
- Corsi formazione individuale insegnanti discipline
Training, lessons, and courses, Well-beingPorzaCHF 130
- Aroma Wellness
Training, lessons, and courses, Well-beingComanoCHF 50
- Beauty Routine
Training, lessons, and courses, Well-beingComanoCHF 50
- Social Media & Instagram Master Class
Training, lessons, and courses, OtherLuganoCHF 97
- Alimentazione Consapevole
Training, lessons, and courses, Well-beingBironicoCHF 150
- Corsi Tree climbing
Training, lessons, and courses, Leisure
- Coaching per apprendisti
Training, lessons, and courses, OtherBellinzonaCHF 119
- Usa ChatGPT per ottimizzare il 60% del tuo tempo
Training, lessons, and courses, EconomicsSavosaCHF 300
- Human Skills
Training, lessons, and courses, Human SciencesMendrisioCHF
- Risorse Umane
Training, lessons, and courses, Human SciencesMendrisioCHF
- Sicurezza sul lavoro
Training, lessons, and courses, Human SciencesMendrisioCHF
- Autoscuola
Training, lessons, and courses, Other
CHF 100
- Scuola Nautica
Training, lessons, and courses, Other
CHF 130
- Droni scuola
Training, lessons, and courses, Other
CHF 280
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