- Servizio di acconciature
Health and wellness, Hairdresser
- Telefonia mobile
IT services, Management Network Service
- Svuotamento cantine e trasporti oggetti e moto
Transport and removals, Objects
CHF 80
- Manutenzione di acquari a domicilio
Animals, Other
CHF 50
- Progetto e installazione reti protezione per gatti
Animals, Other
CHF 50
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) massage
Health and wellness, Acupuncture
CHF 150
- 3D-Druck
Other services
CHF 35
- professioneller Fotograf
Other services
CHF 200
- Web design, Python, Java
IT services, Software expert
CHF 100
- Nail Services
Other services
CHF 50
- Decorazione giardini
Gardening, Landscape
CHF 45
- Posa prato a rotoli
Gardening, Landscape
CHF 70
- Gestione social media
IT services, Social Media Manager
CHF 350
- Ottimizzazione SEO e traffico
IT services, Search engines optimization
CHF 70
- Creazione App pacchetto completo
IT services, App creation
CHF 2500
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