- Parrucchiere
Health and wellness, Hairdresser
Health and wellness
- Bodywork - Massaggio come Coaching Tattile
Health and wellness, Massage
CHF 120
- Consulenza per parrucche
Health and wellness, Hairdresser
CHF 100
- Estetica mani e piedi
Health and wellness, Make up artist
CHF 40
- Meditazione guidata - IL MESSAGGIO - live/online
Health and wellness, Other
CHF 13
- Coaching del Cuore
Health and wellness, Psychologist
CHF 80
- Benessere Integrato: Coaching e Massaggio
Health and wellness, Other
- Pugilato Educativo - Allenati, Cresci e Trasforma
Health and wellness, Personal trainer
CHF 80
- Benessere e Longevità con Michele Antonini
Health and wellness, Other
- unghie rotte ? cè jenny nails lugano
Health and wellness, Beautician
CHF 59
- Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection
Health and wellness, Other
- Servizio di Vivation
Health and wellness, Other
- Sessione Reiki individuale o di gruppo
Health and wellness, Other
- Il Risveglio con Campana Tibetana
Health and wellness, Other
- Terapia Vibrazionale con le Campane Tibetane
Health and wellness, Other
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