- Posa prato a rotoli
Gardening, Landscape
CHF 70
Listings by the Neto tag was found 12 times.
Description of the listing with the tag "Neto"
- Pulizia con idropulitrice
Domestic jobs and cleaning, Cleaning
CHF 45
- Tinteggiatura facciate
Construction, Painting
CHF 45
- Tecniche decorative decorazioni stucchi veneziani
Construction, Painting
CHF 45
- Imbiancatura muri interni
Construction, Painting
CHF 45
- Decoratura di spazi
Construction, Decoration
CHF 45
- Verniciatura Pavimenti
Construction, Painting
CHF 45
- Verniciatura legno
Construction, Woodworking
CHF 45
- Taglio alberi e siepe
Gardening, Maintenance
CHF 45
- Taglio erba e cura del prato
Gardening, MaintenanceMendrisioCHF 45
- Irrigazione giardino
Gardening, Irrigation
CHF 45
- Costruzione pareti in nicera
Gardening, LandscapeMendrisioCHF